Black Economic Empowerment Campaign
Your Business, Our Community, Shared Success
Join our 90-day marketing initiative designed to amplify local business visibility and drive community economic growth.
How it Works
​For Businesses
Businesses who register to participate are asked to provide a unique promotional offer for the campaign. This can be a general discount for all services, a particular discounted product or service or another special offer. This offer is expected to be tracked through a special discount or coupon code that will be distributed to community through community partners in order to track spending and usage. Each business will receive marketing and promotion for their participation to boost spending as well as receive a vending space in the Citywide Kwanzaa Inaugural Ujamaa Fest. Registration link is below with a $100 fee.
For Community
You are encouraged to spend as many of your dollars as possible with Black Owned Businesses in this season for the next 90 days. To encourage and incentivize you to do so, we are asking businesses to provide you with special discounts, incentives and offers to spend with them. A list of participating businesses will be listed below and updated regularly on our site, as well as, the following community partner sites:
Campaign Highlights
90-Day Marketing and Promotional Exposure
Featured Listings on Community Partner Websites
Exclusive Vendor Market Entry to Ujamaa Fest on Sunday, December 29th
Direct Access to Local Consumer Market
Key Benefits
Expanded Digital Presence
Enhanced Community Visibility
Networking Opportunities
Potential for Increased Sales